Here’s to ME | 👈

Wow! I feel lost. Without words almost. I don’t know how I let myself stop writing here. I didn’t stop writing of course but I did fall from here sadly. But I’ve felt this pull on me to come back. Its needed now more than ever.

Where my life is right now has me for certain in rock bottom stance. I’ve never needed God, prayer, & to find myself more than I do right now.

See I just went back & looked at my previous post & Damm I miss writing & for real Damm on the fact that though I thought I had experienced pain & hard times, I was wrong.

Theres a chance someone like my attorney or judge or the X’s wife (aka City Sweetie) or the like will see this but here I am the most honest & raw in life & maybe it doesn’t matter if they do.

So for now understand I’m struggling hard, battling a deep depression, & have made such wrong choices that I now have nothing & barely anyone left beside me.

I’m 30 years old & I’m lost. Please Don’t judge me too harshly & understand I’ve been through my own personal hell since February 2017.

15 months of a constant war of different wars! Emotional & wreckless at heart. I’m now trying to pull myself back ☝.

I’m looking for me! And although I know she will be ME….she is different, stronger, wiser, & a hell of a lot tougher!

Here’s to finding me….& what here’s what got me so Damm lost!

| To be continued…|

{ Single Mom Talk }

Divorce | How to help the kids transition

So as a single mother or even a single father we are always faced with how to create a newfound relationship with the other parent (should they still be involved) for the children. Once the breakup/divorce takes place and the schedules set into place we are not done with seeing the other person. It’ll continue at least until the child(ren) reaches 18 and there is no real escaping this. Nevertheless, it is best to find a happy medium between the two of you for the kids and find yourselves developing a new kind of relationship.

Parent’s splitting is always hard on the kids and having the parents fight and hate each other only makes it that much worse. But understanding & compromise is necessary. This can seem almost impossible for some especially if there was a lot of animosity between you & the X. Between the anger, hurt, & tears  we forget to remember how important it is to help the kids make the transition painlessly. 

However, it’s possible & though there is no right or wrong way to make it happen there are things we can keep in mind to help everyone in the situation cope. 

  • Don’t fight | This is so important! In most cases there was enough of that during the relationship so make it stop now. Or if you must, then don’t let them see you fight. Keep things simple & kid centered & this should be fairly easy. 
  • Don’t use the kids | This will be the biggest mistake either of you could ever do! Using the kids against the other parent will only hurt the kids & not help anyone. The kids will only grow to resent you both. The hurt has already been done. Don’t let it continue.
  • Don’t make them choose | They love you BOTH & that is OK! A child should never be put in a situation to have to choose a parent. You both matter, you both are needed, & you both can share! 
  • Choose your words wisely | Always remember that they are listening, even when you think they aren’t. Hearing bad things about the X can damage them & you. No matter your opinion on the X thiers should always be thier own. In hearing you say nasty things they can form that same opinion & it is unnecessary. 
  • Be reasonable | Be reasonable in all things you do as parents. Child support, visits, events, conversations, disagreements, choices you must make for the kids. Just be reasonable. 
  • Talk to the kids | I think this is the most important of all! Ask them how they are feeling, if they have any questions, if they are hurting. Make sure they know how important they are to you both and that they are loved just the same. 

These are just a few suggestions of how to handle the transition with kids involved. I learned these things the hard way. And even still it’s hard. Some days I don’t always do as I should. But I do try & have found these things to work the best.

My 4 littles know it’s OK to love their dad & have formed their own opinions on him solely on his actions and words alone. I’m not saying I don’t slip up but I managed to keep things right within thier little minds. I’m not so certain that these type of suggestions are honored while they are with J but I can only hope he keeps them in mind when he had them there. 

This is coming on year # 5 being divorced so I’m still probably considered new to this but I hope that what I have learned can help someone else in some way. 

What works for you? What suggestions do you have? 

That’s all for now! 

{Single Mom Talk} 

Hello 2017! 

Wow. 2016 is over. 


I have never, I repeat NEVER been so ready to put a year behind me. 2016 was a horrible year for me. I went thru things I never thought I’d go thru. I lost people who were very dear me, fought DHR, moved too many times, cried to much, was angry to many times, and faced many disappointments & failures. 

Altogether, it was a bad year. Of course I’m not oblivious to the many blessings I was given in 2016 as well. My health, my children’s health, my family & thier health. Many good memories & laughs. And most importantly my life & those I love lives. I’ll never take those for granted. 

Single Mom Talk

With all that being said I still am glad to see the year go. I feel like with the new year I can have a fresh start and new found outlook. Don’t you? I am able to take a moment to sit back and review the year previous and see what I need/want to change and get my head right again. I so badly needed this new year. 

Many people I follow are delcaring themes for thier year in 2017 for what they want most. Such as the year of Happiness or Change or Success & Love. And for all of 2017 they plan to strive for those exact things the entire year. I LOVE this ideal! I definitely have to get on this wagon and give myself a theme for 2017! 

So what is it going to be? What do I want most for 2017? Do I want Change? Happiness? Success? Consistency? Love? Gratitude? Right now I’m not sure, honestly. I know I want something better. I want things to be brighter and smoother. But I don’t know if, I can put an exact word(s) on it before I make up my mind on it! But I wanted to share the idea! And I hope some of you will do this with me. Tell me what you are declaring for yourself and your family in 2017 & share with me by coming back to post your links so I can check them out. 

I’ll be taking a few days to think on it but once I decide I’ll let y’all know and update you throughout 2017 on how I’m accomplishing it! 

I strayed off a bit last year on my writing and I know I won’t let that happen in ’17 BC I need this in my life & gah I’ve missed it! I have many plans & things to share with you all! I’ll be adding some things to the blog and changing a few things as well. I hope you all stick around to see them. 

Well, that’s all for now! 

💖 Single Mom Talk

30 Day Writing Challenge {Day 2}

Here we are Day 2 of the 30DWC! So I won’t waste any time let’s get started.

Day 2 | Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgot.

This made me think. I mean I’ve had people tell me things about myself a thousand times in my 28 years. My mother has always told me ” Buggsie you are stronger than you can ever imagine. There will be a time in your life; many times I’m sure where your strength will be tested but always remember. You were born a fighter and a born with emotional strength; never forget that.”  So of course that’s always stuck with me, but most things our parents tell us do right?

But it seems that’s the truth. Everyone is always telling me how strong I am and how the admire my strength.

Throughout my life I have seen things that most would never dream of and been through things that would break most people or least turn them out. I’ve seen people do drugs, steal, drink everyday of the week, and at the age of 12 I was offered do a line of Cocaine with my Aunt T.

My whole life I had seen drugs and what they do to you and how the effect you and it is in my blood honestly do them. I mean my father and uncles on his side do them. My mother used to do them and all her siblings have done them. It was my mother’s youngest sister that offered it to me. She told me I could see n feel what it was all about. Why everyone I loved – loved the drugs. Said it would make everything disappear and I’d feel nothing.

That was a turning point in my life. I knew my mother was right. Because most kids at that point would have said yes and did it. But I didn’t and many times after that still wouldn’t. My strength has gotten me through parts of my life I otherwise wouldn’t have made it out of.

So maybe my mom was right. Maybe I am strong mentally and maybe that’s my greatest ability as a person. When I was 23 I got a tattoo symbol for strength on the back of my neck. I’ve always felt it : strong.

I thank my mother for telling me that so many times as a child.

{ Single Mom Talk }

Just A Mess

Me. Just feeling all down n shit! My life! Isn’t the worst by far but I’m in a damm slump and I need out of it! Suggestions?

I didn’t even really start reverb 2015. Like really my life sometimes! I don’t even know what to think!

This blog means too much to me to let it slip away and I refuse! Its leap year so its bound to be better right? Well, I’m telling you I’m not giving up. I’ve spent all day crying over a man who didn’t really care and then even more time crying over a different man that I’m still madly in love with but trying to let the EFF go! I don’t know you guys I’m just a mess right now.

So there’s a writing challenge only 30 days long. I’m going to give it a go. Get back to why I started this blog!

Here’s the writing challenge join if you like.  I’m starting March 1!

30 Day Writing Challenge

{Single Mom Talk}

Reverb15 Day 1: list & prayers

So its late I can’t do many post but I wanted to get started so I’m gonna do day 1 of #projectreverb15

Let’s get started!

In her seventh ever blog post, all the way back in March 2003(!), the inimitable Andrea Scher wrote: “Maybe lists are like prayers.”

What sorts of lists do you have on the go at the moment? What do they suggest you are praying for?

Well, right now my list is consisting of getting this new house settled & my kids Christmas list. If I should note all my list I’d have to tell you that I also have a list of what I need to do on a daily basis. List are my MUST HAVE! Sometimes without them I forget it all. My calendar book and my list are what I look at every day first thing aside from my kids and my phone.

I’m not sure what they would suggest I’m praying for but if I had to list it I would say; an organized life. Not that it will happen because I am a single mother of 4 young children, but a girl can dream right?

I’m praying for love and consistency in my life right now. I need that so much it hurts! My kids and friends and what family I do have in my life keep me full of love and I’m so thankful for that. However, I need that special someone in my life and I’ve just not got it right now. But who knows maybe he’s right around the corner, eh?

In spirit of the first reverb post I’ll make a short list just becaue I can’t talk about list and NOT make one!

What I need to do for this coming week:

  1. get moved fully into the apartment
  2. get cable and net turned on in the apartment
  3. get the kids enrolled for homeschool
  4. get the supplies and books for the kids schooling
  5. get my apartment papers turned in
  6. catch up on Reverb15
  7. call and schedule my “lady Dr.” appointment
  8. call and schedule my lil families eye appointments

Welp, that’s all for now!

{ Single Mom Talk }


Alright, so my last post/ poem was a bit deep and dark right? I think making a post in the middle of a breakdown and tear session isn’t always a good idea. So I apologize! Although, looking at it today I am pretty sure I pegged it on the head of how I’ve been feeling. Just so down and dark lately, but I’m already getting better I promise.

My life guys has just been way to up and down lately and it was getting to me. I needed that breakdown more than I knew though because I feel better and am hopeful now. I’m very blessed in this life and I have to keep remembering that; never forget.

Being overwhelmed can kick your ass!

So back in September I moved into a more affordable house right? I went from $675/mthly to $450/mthly because I knew I was in over my head. I thought for sure I’d be able to swing this one. Even though it was just a 2 bedroom and super small I was going to make it work. Well, I was wrong! By the time I added up all my bills I was no better off with what my job pays me. Rent, lights, water, phone bill, car payment, car insurance, gas to/from work & kids school, cable (no net bc it was in the middle of nowhere and net wouldn’t pick up). My bills were over $800 a month!!! Single mom of 4 on a minimum wage job in Alabama???? Not ‘effin happening!

I got WAY in over my head for moving out of government housing back in 2013. I wanted to get out and not been seen as a “welfare mom”. Let me tell you that is so damm ridiculous! Just because someone lives in a government house does not mean they are on welfare or pieces of shit! It means they are providing the best possible home for their family that they can. And that is what I am about to do. 

I’ll admit it. I cannot make it right now outside of them. My bills are just too much for me. And I want to do it on my own so I am going to do what I have to do. I’ve been overloaded and wondering what I’m going to do so that I can pay all my bills and it just couldn’t happen. So I’ve settled my losses and scores and I’ll be moving into my new apartment this weekend while the kids are with J.

I have no choice! This situation is mostly what has me feeling like a failure and putting me into a depression and I have to pull up out of it. Financial help doesn’t always come from J so I have to do what I can. The kids loved their life the last time we did this and I’m hoping to give them the same kind of happiness again.

I’ll be able to afford the new rent with NO PROBLEMS! And it opens a lot of doors for us now. I can work a lil less hours to spend more time at home with the kids, I can home school them like I’ve been wanting too, I can focus back on my photography again, and I can get back to living instead of feeling like a drone! We need this!

I want all of you single moms to understand something. Do not let the “projects” scare you or make you feel lesser than! Its not where your home is; its where you make your home! Be proud and make your life better because you have the option too. Still work and spend more time with your kids. Save a ton of money so you can one day buy your own home! Be proud that your providing your kids a place ON YOUR OWN and that its within your means! You got this! I’ll post more soon.


{Single Mom Talk}

Out of Control

Out of control

Falling and rolling on a downward fall

Beaten and bruised beyond repair

Tears and pain fill my soul

Life right now, I feel is beyond my control.

One step forward and ten steps back

Around and around repeating it all; like a never ending ball

Stress and fear consuming my every thought

I cannot bring myself out of this deep black hole.

Head under water and an anchor on my feet

Drowning & gasping for air

All I want is to get my head above water; to be able to breath.

Finding a way to make it better

Needing the sun to shine and the water to drain

So I can simply break free of the anchor and walk away.

I’ve got to find a way because they need me

But how do I pull up when I’m so far under yet again?

Breaking free is a must and giving up is not something I can do

I can’t take this feeling of being out of control; I’ll find a way.

No more. No more…

Out of control

{{{{ I don’t write poems anymore, though I used too. This just came to me bcause of how I’m feeling. I don’t need any judgements on it because it will only make my day worse. But as always please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions. 🙂 }}}}}}

God will make a way then there seems to be no way

God will make a way then there seems to be no way

let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile

let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile

You have the POWER to say this is NOT how the story ENDS

You have the POWER to say this is NOT how the story ENDS

P.S I’m sure I’ll be OK…just one of those days.

Sisterly Love

This is somethings I’ve not really talked about before because it is sensitive to my heart. But its been heavy on me here lately and I think I need to talk about it. I know my over my years of my life I’ve went through hundreds of emotions on this topic and I’m sure I’m not the only one to have gone through an experience of sorts.

So in July I got to have lunch with my brother, Matt. It was supposed to be a quick hour lunch because I knew he had things to get to but it turned into almost 3 hours and my heart was about to burst. So why is this a big deal? Well, if you’ve read my first few post you’ll know that my mother gave up my brother for adoption (within our family line) when I was just 15 months old and Matt was just a few months old). I never got to know him, never made memories with him, never got to celebrate birthdays together, fight each other, take up for him, pick on him, or tell him just how much I loved him. I never got to experience what so many siblings take for granted. My mom was a young single parent in the 1980’s and it was hard for her to have two young children. Matt had medical issues and mom was broke and had no one to help her. There were a lot of different factors I imagine that led her to the choices she made. But either way I was deprived of my life with my biological brother.

I was so angry with my mother for so long. Because there was never a real solid reason in my opinion of why it was OK or good enough to do what she did. I never seen how it wasn’t worth finding a way to keep him. I can’t imagine giving one of my 4 children to someone simply because life was too damm hard. I slammed her with questions my whole life and never got the answers I was looking for; never! And this was OK? No it just wasn’t. Want to know what made it worse? He grew up in the town I did, he had friends that I had, he went to schools that I did; until they home schooled him. I told all my closest friends about him hoping one day something would happen. I drove by his house, mom and I left birthday cards and gifts and letters with no avail.

When I was a teen a tried to go see him. Pull right up in the drive way of his home and they turned me away. My whole life I had made a goal and a promise that by the time I was 19 years old I would meet my brother face to face.

And it happen. My best friend (at the time) was actually a good friend of his. She secretly for months made arrangements for us to meet. Surprising me one day by asking me to come to the mall and meet her for lunch she changed my life forever. I walked into the lunch area of the mall and she met me and told me she wanted met to meet someone. She walked me right up to my brother and introduced us.

It was one of the single most amazing moments of my life.

Hours of talking and watching him hold my son and pinching myself to be sure it wasn’t a dream. Ever since then we kept in contact and talked, but as life moments we have not spent much in person time together. So July was another great moment. Matt is someone who even know I barely know I love more than words can explain. During our visit it took all I had not to be in constant tears. Seeing the way he talked, moved, laughed, and had a incredibly similar sense of humor. He looks so much like (our) mother but tall like (our) dad. He has those blue eyes we are known for and that butt chin too 🙂 There is so much of our parents that I see in him and so much of me that I see in him.

I was worried that there would be an awkwardness to our lunch date or that we wouldn’t be able to hold conversation. But in fact it was the opposite and that made my day. We laughed and talked and in just a few hours learned so much about one another. It was incredible how easy it all was. Matt brought his girlfriend with him and she was just a doll and honestly helped to ease any awkwardness that might have lingered. There were moments I caught myself just sitting and staring and observing him ( though I hope he didn’t notice or find it odd). There is so much I want to know about him I want to know and so much about me I want him to know.

I want him to know that I’m sorry. Sorry for not being able to get to him sooner. Sorry that it was him and not me. Sorry that we couldn’t grow up together. Sorry for any pain or anger he feels. Sorry for everything. Even though it’s not my fault I’m still sorry.

I hope he isn’t mad or resentful towards me. I hope he wants to know me as much as I do him. I hope he still feels an amount of love for me like I do him. I hope that he will continue to keep me in his life.

I hope that he knows I love him like he has been there in my everyday life even though he wasn’t .

I am no longer mad at my mother because of what happened. I know that life is hard as a single parent. In today’s day and age there are so many resources and options for single parents. But in 1980 not so much and it made things worse. I know she loved him just as much as me and not a ounce less, but he had the opportunity to have a better life and though it was almost both of us, it ended with just him. He grew up in two story big house, had all the finer things in life, and anything money could buy. I grew up bouncing house to house, running, life of drugs and chaos. But my mother showered me with love and affection and tired with all her might to give me all she could. It was hard and it was rough and it was the opposite of his life. We talked of him and I watched my mother cry and beat herself up over not having her son.

Experiencing life as a single mother is hard and it is something I wouldn’t imagine doing it alone like she did. I know if she had other options she would have taken them and I hope he knows that.

I have him now and I will never let him go again. I want to know all that I can about him and I want him to know how much I love him. He is and always will be my baby brother, even if he 4 times my size 🙂

One thing is talent runs in our family along with lifestyle. Matt loves the beach life and the traveling life. And his talent in photography is astounding! It is awesome that we have that passion of photography together. And he is so good at it! Hopefully I can share it with you one day!  🙂 for now I have to go. But here is a picture of us that day at lunch!

Go ahead and bask in how damm handsome he is! Oh and that we have awesome butt chins! lol

My brother and I July 2015

My brother and I July 2015

Until next time!


The Rundown

I can’t tell you ine one post how my has been the past few months. I know that not having net at my place is driving me crazy! It makes things boring at times but we are making it. I’ve got to start weekly trips to BAM or Micky D’s or something because I miss writing!

My stress level has been fairly low bu that doesn’t mean my life has been stress free. There is always a lot going on and I guess I’m jst getting better at handling it. That’s a good thing right? Yeah, I like to think so.

The kids are growing and there are birthdays and holidays among us! So this time a year is super busy for me, but that’s OK. Busy is better. I’ve really gotta go so here is run down:

new job

same house

BS with baby daddy

boyfriend issues

business issues

new ideas

and happy kids!

So life is normal I must say! I’ll update soon because there is a lot I need to say! But for now I must get off here and do my hair and go to town.

Stay positive my loves and we will talk soon!

{Single Mom Talk}