Reverb15 Day 1: list & prayers

So its late I can’t do many post but I wanted to get started so I’m gonna do day 1 of #projectreverb15

Let’s get started!

In her seventh ever blog post, all the way back in March 2003(!), the inimitable Andrea Scher wrote: “Maybe lists are like prayers.”

What sorts of lists do you have on the go at the moment? What do they suggest you are praying for?

Well, right now my list is consisting of getting this new house settled & my kids Christmas list. If I should note all my list I’d have to tell you that I also have a list of what I need to do on a daily basis. List are my MUST HAVE! Sometimes without them I forget it all. My calendar book and my list are what I look at every day first thing aside from my kids and my phone.

I’m not sure what they would suggest I’m praying for but if I had to list it I would say; an organized life. Not that it will happen because I am a single mother of 4 young children, but a girl can dream right?

I’m praying for love and consistency in my life right now. I need that so much it hurts! My kids and friends and what family I do have in my life keep me full of love and I’m so thankful for that. However, I need that special someone in my life and I’ve just not got it right now. But who knows maybe he’s right around the corner, eh?

In spirit of the first reverb post I’ll make a short list just becaue I can’t talk about list and NOT make one!

What I need to do for this coming week:

  1. get moved fully into the apartment
  2. get cable and net turned on in the apartment
  3. get the kids enrolled for homeschool
  4. get the supplies and books for the kids schooling
  5. get my apartment papers turned in
  6. catch up on Reverb15
  7. call and schedule my “lady Dr.” appointment
  8. call and schedule my lil families eye appointments

Welp, that’s all for now!

{ Single Mom Talk }


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 31 | Big (or small) Goals
Big (or small) goals: What’s on tap for next year? Share your big (or small) goals with us. Why did you pick those goals? Are these things you’ve always wanted to do? How are you going to get them done?

With 2014 being such a rough year I have to say there are a lot of goals in mind for me. But 2014 was also a year of “eye opening experiences” that’s what I’m calling it. I like to make a declaration of what the next year will be and I am declaring 2015 “ the year of good- in love, in life, and in health”.
I know that my goals will change throughout the year, they always do. But right now yeah I do have a few on my list. Its giving me something to look forward to and something to work towards. 
+Be in better health
+Take more time for me
+Be a more active mom
+Take more time for my business
+Stay at the same job
+Don’t live in the past
+Let go of the negative
+Complete a goal
+Blog more (regularly)
+Book 6 weddings & shoot 6 weddings
+Open a complete new client list
+Put my photography business on the market
+Become more active with the kids school
+Let someone in
+Don’t move
So those are a few. I mean I could list them for days I’m sure but these are my most important right now. They will change and I hope to mark some of them off. I’ll update ya if I do 
Happy New Year everyone!

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 30 | In & Out List
In and out list: Each year the Washington Post (and various other media) pens an “in and out” list comprised of pop culture people/items that are in and out. What’s on your in and out list?

Well this should be kinda fun 
Luke Bryan, country music, boot socks, tech savvy phones, big hair, short hair, scarfs, neon colored nails, scruffy facial hair on men, tattoos, funky glasses, love, independence, success, bold red lipstick, workouts, lasting relationships, fit clothes, blogs.

Out::: Taylor Swift, techno music, long beards, gold, fattening foods, laziness, judgment, worry, hoarding, lies, bullying.
Honestly, I don’t have a clue. These are just some ideas.
{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 29 | Day in the Life
Day in the life: Describe a typical day-in-the-life. Give us details! Give us pictures! Sometimes our days can seem boring. Is that okay? What do you do to make your days feel a bit special?

Well, pretty simple. During the week: Get up at 6 am get the older two ready for school. Then I walk em to the bus stop. Come back and catch a few more zzz’s. Then I get up and fix the girls something to eat, clean house, mess around on my tablet, play with the girls, and feed em lunch. The big kids get home we do homework, clean house, fix dinner, play for a while, bath time, bed time and then I sit down and don’t move til bed time for me!
Ok. So there’s more in all that but honestly that’s’ the gist of it all

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 28 | Creative
Creativity: What does being creative mean to you? How do you express your creativity?
To me being creative means to let out the artsy side; the freedom of expression within you that doesn’t show all the time. To let your mind express the art within you. Everyone has it in them they just show it in different ways. For me I feel like I express it in two ways. One is through my photography. When I am shooting I feel free and I feel like I’m in my happy place; well one of them. I can photograph someone or something and look at it and know that it’s a piece of me in that image. I don’t know how I’ve ever gotten along without it,

Green Mt.

Green Mt.

Green Mt. {Copyright Candace Renea Photography}

Green Mt. {Copyright Candace Renea Photography}

but now that I have it I will photograph until my fingers hurt.
The other way for me is writing. I feel like its endless. I can write fiction or my life or someone else’s life. I can make it funny or serious and I can do it for days. There isn’t anything that is stopping me from writing because its all on me. My mind can create whatever it will and that makes it the most creative.

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 27 | Creature of Habit
Creature of Habit: Did you form a new habit this year? Or continue with an old one? Is it a good habit? Or one you’d like to break?
For this I’d say my tablet. I normally don’t mess around with Facebook to much or play games on the computer but somewhere along the way it seems I picked it up. I don’t even know why but it’s just something new I’ve picked up and I wouldn’t say it’s a bad habit but it’s not awesome either. Maybe next year I can pick up the habit of working out. Yeah that’d be a good habit to pick up!
Oh yeah and I read a lot. Of course I’ve always read a lot but this year I did it even more. It was a form of release for me and I love it. Definitely not a bad thing for me to do. I can read all the time and be just fine and in 2015 I’m going to do a book challenge all year so I think it will be fun to see what I read! Reading things I’d never read otherwise will be pretty cool 

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out:)

December 26 | Energy
Energy: What gave you energy this year? What took away your energy?
The happy moments. The kids. My friends. The support system I had. They all have me the energy this year for anything I needed. Kept me going through it all.
All the downs. The disappointments. The failures. The hardships. They took all my energy. I just fell and didn’t get back up for a while once they hit me. It was hard to keep going but the good was just enough to keep me going.

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out 🙂

December 25 | Thanks & Gratitude
Thanks and Gratitude: What are you so grateful for? How did you count your blessings in 2014?
Most of all I’m grateful for my children. Through all the madness its always them that keep me and remind me that there will always be a better day ahead because I have them in it. I’m grateful for the many blessings the Lord gave me like our lives, our health, our family, our friends, our good times, our laughs, our smiles, and our love. No matter of money or no place or hardship can take those things away from us. That’s how I counted my blessings in 2014.


Beautiful. Christmas 2014

But I’m also grateful for the kindness of the kids’ school. They so kindly gave my kids an amazing Christmas. It took over an hour for them to open their gifts. They got every single thing just about on their list. There is no words or no way I can ever repay and thank them for what they did. All I can do is tell them that they made our holiday amazing.

{Single Mom Talk}


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out 🙂

December 24 | Home
Home: Tell us about what home meant to you this year. Are you a homebody? Did you do a renovation? Move? Redecorate?
This year home meant hardship: as in it was hard to keep a home. We moved from Boaz to Morrison (TN) and I was trying to make a better life for me and the kids and it all just went to shit. Once we lost it there it was a steady downfall and I couldn’t get it together. That is until we came to Tuscaloosa anyways and I feel that life will be better here. There will be a possibility to start fresh and be successful here and that makes me smile looking into 2015.


REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out 🙂

December 23 | I never thought I’d…:
I never thought I’d…: What did you think you’d NEVER do. But you did this year. Why? What changed your mind?
I never thought I’d…. have to let other people supply my children’s Christmas completely. Why? Because I never thought I’d end up in the situations I have this year. Nothing really changed my mind, I simply had no other choice. Moving to Tuscaloosa was a hard choice but so far I think it was the right choice. The kids school done some amazing things for us since we been here and I’ll forever be thankful for that.

{Single Mom Talk}