Hello 2017! 

Wow. 2016 is over. 


I have never, I repeat NEVER been so ready to put a year behind me. 2016 was a horrible year for me. I went thru things I never thought I’d go thru. I lost people who were very dear me, fought DHR, moved too many times, cried to much, was angry to many times, and faced many disappointments & failures. 

Altogether, it was a bad year. Of course I’m not oblivious to the many blessings I was given in 2016 as well. My health, my children’s health, my family & thier health. Many good memories & laughs. And most importantly my life & those I love lives. I’ll never take those for granted. 

Single Mom Talk

With all that being said I still am glad to see the year go. I feel like with the new year I can have a fresh start and new found outlook. Don’t you? I am able to take a moment to sit back and review the year previous and see what I need/want to change and get my head right again. I so badly needed this new year. 

Many people I follow are delcaring themes for thier year in 2017 for what they want most. Such as the year of Happiness or Change or Success & Love. And for all of 2017 they plan to strive for those exact things the entire year. I LOVE this ideal! I definitely have to get on this wagon and give myself a theme for 2017! 

So what is it going to be? What do I want most for 2017? Do I want Change? Happiness? Success? Consistency? Love? Gratitude? Right now I’m not sure, honestly. I know I want something better. I want things to be brighter and smoother. But I don’t know if, I can put an exact word(s) on it before I make up my mind on it! But I wanted to share the idea! And I hope some of you will do this with me. Tell me what you are declaring for yourself and your family in 2017 & share with me by coming back to post your links so I can check them out. 

I’ll be taking a few days to think on it but once I decide I’ll let y’all know and update you throughout 2017 on how I’m accomplishing it! 

I strayed off a bit last year on my writing and I know I won’t let that happen in ’17 BC I need this in my life & gah I’ve missed it! I have many plans & things to share with you all! I’ll be adding some things to the blog and changing a few things as well. I hope you all stick around to see them. 

Well, that’s all for now! 

💖 Single Mom Talk

Just A Mess

Me. Just feeling all down n shit! My life! Isn’t the worst by far but I’m in a damm slump and I need out of it! Suggestions?

I didn’t even really start reverb 2015. Like really my life sometimes! I don’t even know what to think!

This blog means too much to me to let it slip away and I refuse! Its leap year so its bound to be better right? Well, I’m telling you I’m not giving up. I’ve spent all day crying over a man who didn’t really care and then even more time crying over a different man that I’m still madly in love with but trying to let the EFF go! I don’t know you guys I’m just a mess right now.

So there’s a writing challenge only 30 days long. I’m going to give it a go. Get back to why I started this blog!

Here’s the writing challenge join if you like.  I’m starting March 1!

30 Day Writing Challenge

{Single Mom Talk}

Reverb15 Day 1: list & prayers

So its late I can’t do many post but I wanted to get started so I’m gonna do day 1 of #projectreverb15

Let’s get started!

In her seventh ever blog post, all the way back in March 2003(!), the inimitable Andrea Scher wrote: “Maybe lists are like prayers.”

What sorts of lists do you have on the go at the moment? What do they suggest you are praying for?

Well, right now my list is consisting of getting this new house settled & my kids Christmas list. If I should note all my list I’d have to tell you that I also have a list of what I need to do on a daily basis. List are my MUST HAVE! Sometimes without them I forget it all. My calendar book and my list are what I look at every day first thing aside from my kids and my phone.

I’m not sure what they would suggest I’m praying for but if I had to list it I would say; an organized life. Not that it will happen because I am a single mother of 4 young children, but a girl can dream right?

I’m praying for love and consistency in my life right now. I need that so much it hurts! My kids and friends and what family I do have in my life keep me full of love and I’m so thankful for that. However, I need that special someone in my life and I’ve just not got it right now. But who knows maybe he’s right around the corner, eh?

In spirit of the first reverb post I’ll make a short list just becaue I can’t talk about list and NOT make one!

What I need to do for this coming week:

  1. get moved fully into the apartment
  2. get cable and net turned on in the apartment
  3. get the kids enrolled for homeschool
  4. get the supplies and books for the kids schooling
  5. get my apartment papers turned in
  6. catch up on Reverb15
  7. call and schedule my “lady Dr.” appointment
  8. call and schedule my lil families eye appointments

Welp, that’s all for now!

{ Single Mom Talk }

Out of Control

Out of control

Falling and rolling on a downward fall

Beaten and bruised beyond repair

Tears and pain fill my soul

Life right now, I feel is beyond my control.

One step forward and ten steps back

Around and around repeating it all; like a never ending ball

Stress and fear consuming my every thought

I cannot bring myself out of this deep black hole.

Head under water and an anchor on my feet

Drowning & gasping for air

All I want is to get my head above water; to be able to breath.

Finding a way to make it better

Needing the sun to shine and the water to drain

So I can simply break free of the anchor and walk away.

I’ve got to find a way because they need me

But how do I pull up when I’m so far under yet again?

Breaking free is a must and giving up is not something I can do

I can’t take this feeling of being out of control; I’ll find a way.

No more. No more…

Out of control

{{{{ I don’t write poems anymore, though I used too. This just came to me bcause of how I’m feeling. I don’t need any judgements on it because it will only make my day worse. But as always please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions. 🙂 }}}}}}

God will make a way then there seems to be no way

God will make a way then there seems to be no way

let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile

let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile

You have the POWER to say this is NOT how the story ENDS

You have the POWER to say this is NOT how the story ENDS

P.S I’m sure I’ll be OK…just one of those days.

The Rundown

I can’t tell you ine one post how my has been the past few months. I know that not having net at my place is driving me crazy! It makes things boring at times but we are making it. I’ve got to start weekly trips to BAM or Micky D’s or something because I miss writing!

My stress level has been fairly low bu that doesn’t mean my life has been stress free. There is always a lot going on and I guess I’m jst getting better at handling it. That’s a good thing right? Yeah, I like to think so.

The kids are growing and there are birthdays and holidays among us! So this time a year is super busy for me, but that’s OK. Busy is better. I’ve really gotta go so here is run down:

new job

same house

BS with baby daddy

boyfriend issues

business issues

new ideas

and happy kids!

So life is normal I must say! I’ll update soon because there is a lot I need to say! But for now I must get off here and do my hair and go to town.

Stay positive my loves and we will talk soon!

{Single Mom Talk}

The Liebster Award!


So this week I’m finding myself feeling great! Of course I am a bit late on this one because I didn’t find it until yesterday but even so, the beautiful Mia from Jewels by Mia has graciously nominated me for the Liebster Award, and want to say a huge Thank You for thinking of me and nominating me! You will love her blog! I’ve said before, but her blog is full of great DIY jewelry ideas and much fun stuff so please check her out if you get a chance! Of course I didn’t know much about this award or what its about but Mia filled me on her blog a well as Effervescent Hedgepig  (also a super fun blog) and I’m so glad to take part in this!

Quote from Effervescent Hedgepig

I had to do a bit of searching on Google to figure out exactly what this award was, I’ll admit.  I learned that Liebster is German for “dearest” (more or less), and the Liebster Award is an award for small or new blogs that deserve a chance in the spotlight.  Once received, it’s passed on (as a chain letter might be) to other blogs that the recipient thinks are worthy of attention, and so forth.  By asking each nominee to answer a set of questions, the award allows new bloggers to tell their audience something about themselves.

Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Thank the nominator.
  2. Display the award.
  3. Nominate 10 more bloggers with 10 new questions.
  4. Answer the questions.

So here are the questions that Mia from Jewels by Mia has laid out for those who she nominate; I hope you enjoy!

Quoted from Jewels by Mia

My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Are you a Home-body or Social Butterfly?
  3. What is currently your favorite song?
  4. TV or Books and name your current favorite?
  5. What plans do you have for your blog in the near future?
  6. Celebrity Crush?
  7. Finish this sentence: “Keep Calm and….”
  8. Beach or Pool?
  9. What is your favorite blog?
  10. What is #1 on your bucket list?
  1. Why did you start blogging? Honestly? I wanted to be able to let out my feelings on my new journey as a single mother. When I divorced in 2012 my whole life changed and it was something that had emotions all over the place for me. Of course I have plenty of friends and family to talk to but I needed a place that I could just write and write and not be judged or anything. But then it became a place that I wanted to inspire other single mothers and show them that life as a single mom wasn’t always bad. SMT ( Single Mom Talk) has become a place of happiness for me.
  2. Are you a Home-body or Social Butterfly? Do I really have to choose just one? Hahah! I mean I think mostly social butterfly because I love people and entertaining. But sometimes a night in at home piled up on the couch watching TV all night is great too.
  3. What is currently your favorite song? Oh this is an easy one! Burning House by Cam. It’s a country song and it brings so much emotion to surface for me. She sings about reliving a mistake she mad in a past relationship. Feeling like she is stuck in a burning house with him and wishing she could go back and fix what was wrong and what didn’t last. It’s truly an amazing song check it out! https://youtu.be/tzB3JB-0zk4
  4. TV or Books and name your current favorite? Oh always books for me! Don’t get me wrong I love some TV time (The Royals, Game of Throwns, Big Bang Therory) but books are my obesssion for sure. My current favorite book is “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak. The book centers around the life of Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old girl living in Germany during World War II. Liesel’s experiences are narrated by Death, who details both the beauty and destruction that life in this era brought. You have to read it!
  5. What plans do you have for your blog in the near future? To keep it growing! And to make it a place that single moms (or moms in general) come to when they want to find joy and help and a place to relate too. I hope to have contributors and lots of fun with it! But most all I plan to really dig deep into myself as mother and focus on it.
  6. Celebrity Crush? Hmmmmm. First response? Channing Tatum! Them moves and those lips! I cannot stop looking at him for the life of me. But my grown up self always says Gerard Butler! He is so handsome and sexy at the same time. His accent and smile. Everything. Just everything!
  7. Finish this sentence: “Keep Calm and….” DREAM ON! Always, always, always dream on!
  8. Beach or Pool? BEACH! Can we go now? Hahah lets do it!
  9. What is your favorite blog? This one is so hard! See I’ve got a mad obsession with photography blogs. Because I’m a photographer all I can think about is beautiful photograhpy work and now I’ve found one that I cannot stop looking at Cooper & Co. Photography. But as for one not photography related it would have to be Young Momma. I feel like I relate to her a lot because I’ve went through it and I love the way she writes. She one you need to check out.
  10. What is #1 on your bucket list? Do I event really have a bucket list? I’ve not really set down yet and made one but off the top of my head it would be to take my kids to Disney Land/World. I’ve not been able to do that yet and its something I really want to do for and with them! One day soon I hope.

Alright so here are my questions for my nominated bloggers!

  1. What drives your blog?
  2. What is your biggest and best childhood memory?
  3. Ice cream or cake?
  4. Looking from where you are now in your life, what would be your advice to yourself at 18?
  5. What do you think makes a good blogger/blog?
  6. What is it like in a day in your life?
  7. Whats your astrology sign? Tell me if you think it suits you!
  8. Summer or Winter season? Why?
  9. What makes you follow a blog and come back again and again?
  10. Singing or dancing?

Here are the 10 awesome blogs I nominate: Young Momma, My Sweet Caffeine, Unapologetically Me, Every New Beginning Ends, Cooper & Co. Photography, Fashion Jitsu, Blissfully Taylor, Earth According to Emily,  Meg The Moo, Confessions of a Housewife.

Hope you all enjoy! And thank you again for the nomination!

{Single Mom Talk}

2015 Versatile Bloggers Award! I’ve been Nominated!


Oh my goodness! I cannot even begin to explain the excitement right now! So I’ll start by saying thank you so much to the most fabulous Jewels By Mia for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award!  Mia’s blog is filled with beautiful addicting DIY crafts and jewelry pieces and of course her blog is simply fabulous to read! So please go on over and check her out. Mia your a true doll and again thank you so very much!

This award very similar to the Liebster Award. This award is passed on to blogs that deserve a chance to be in the spotlight.  Each new recipient is asked to tell their audience a few facts about themselves.Thus, these awards help to build a community in the blogosphere.

Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. DONE & DONE!
  2. List the rules and display the award. DONE & DONE
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them. ( So 15 is a big much to list so I’ll just list a few of my top to share with you all!)

Okay, here goes!  Facts about me:

  1. I became a young mother at the age of just 16 (one month shy of 17)! This was the biggest and most life changing moment in my life and I’ll forever thank God for blessing me.
  2. I have a mad obsession with books. Young adult books, romance books, DIY books, supernatural books, any kind of books! I have dyslexia so its pretty odd that I actually enjoy reading but I do!
  3. I’m a Capricorn and I’m really into astrology! I love reading about different signs and how they represent a person. Being a Capricorn I am independent to a fault, stubborn, quiet yet outgoing, very determined and business minded. Though I’m also on cusp of other signs as well! I’ll have to share with you all very soon!
  4. My favorite movie of all time is Dirty Dancing. I could watch that movie every day from now until forever and never get tired of it.
  5. When I was younger I wanted to go to college for Choreography and move to NY or Nashville. There wasn’t anything more that I wanted than to be a dancer. It is still a part of me today.
  6. I didn’t graduate high school. I dropped out in my 10th grade year and got my GED in 2007; the same year I was supposed to graduate.
  7. I cannot write in cursive! I learned it in school but never took to it so I only write in standard print with a few pretty letters here and there!

So there it is! My 7 facts and I know they are all random but I wanted to give you a bit of an idea of who I am. So now I am going to share with you a few of the blog I have nominated for the Versatile Award! Please go and check them out because they all deserve a whole lot more love and spotlight.

My nominations:

  1. Young Momma
  2. My Sweet Caffeine
  3. Unapologetially Me
  4. Every New Beginning Ends
  5. Cooper & Co. Photography
  6. Fashion Jitsu
  7. Blissfully Taylor

Well there they are! These blogs are worth looking into and deserve some love! I can’t get enough of them simply because they each offer something different and interesting. Have fun and come back soon!

Rules 3 & 4 DONE & DONE!

{Single Mom Talk}

When Life Sweeps Us Away

We all have those moments don’t we? When life catches and we get so swept up in them that everything gets out of wack! I know I do and as it seems that I’ve neglected my SMT and I have greatly missed it. But here I am and I’ve got some great things to share and some serious talk. Sometimes there are things that we can not really talk to our loved ones about because we don’t always want an immediate response. These my friends are things I am going to talk to you about.

The past few months have flew by. Can you believe the summer is over? Like really where did it go! I didn’t get to do half of what I wanted for the summer. Of course my summer was pure madness but whatever I want it back dangit. That’s not happening so I guess I’ll have to improvise, eh?

When school got out for the kids I was starting school myself. Its been hard and right now I cannot lie I am barely hanging in there. But I’m going to finish this time if its the last thing I do. So please pray for me ladies and gents, because I need it.

Lets see what has happened? I’ve moved, I’ve lost a very close friend (not by dealth just the friendship), my mother has moved, I’ve taken on another business, I’ve gotten a….dare I say it….boyfriend! And many more things. But I have learned so many more things and I feel like I need to share with you these things and get some opinions on many different things too. So please sit tight as I update things and give me your thoughts one comment at time!

Life has swept me away and now I’m coming back down!

{Single Mom Talk}

Is Working Full Time Making Me A Bad Mother?

Feeling like life is overwhelming is easy when your mother, but when your a single mother and working to support your family it can be even worse. I follow this mom and what she said in this post hit home with me, so of course I have to share.


Check her out!

{Single Mom Talk}


\Is Working Full Time Making Me A Bad Mother?.