REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out 🙂

December 25 | Thanks & Gratitude
Thanks and Gratitude: What are you so grateful for? How did you count your blessings in 2014?
Most of all I’m grateful for my children. Through all the madness its always them that keep me and remind me that there will always be a better day ahead because I have them in it. I’m grateful for the many blessings the Lord gave me like our lives, our health, our family, our friends, our good times, our laughs, our smiles, and our love. No matter of money or no place or hardship can take those things away from us. That’s how I counted my blessings in 2014.


Beautiful. Christmas 2014

But I’m also grateful for the kindness of the kids’ school. They so kindly gave my kids an amazing Christmas. It took over an hour for them to open their gifts. They got every single thing just about on their list. There is no words or no way I can ever repay and thank them for what they did. All I can do is tell them that they made our holiday amazing.

{Single Mom Talk}

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