REVERB14 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December designed to reflect on 2014 and project on hopes and dreams for 2015. I didn’t get to do this on a blog last year but this year I am for sure! I think it’s a great way to better myself for the year to come! It can be challenging, fun, & rewarding! There are many different Host that someone can do this with but my favorite is the simple Project Reverb { } It was the original I found and I love the host! So if you want to join just check em out 🙂

December 24 | Home
Home: Tell us about what home meant to you this year. Are you a homebody? Did you do a renovation? Move? Redecorate?
This year home meant hardship: as in it was hard to keep a home. We moved from Boaz to Morrison (TN) and I was trying to make a better life for me and the kids and it all just went to shit. Once we lost it there it was a steady downfall and I couldn’t get it together. That is until we came to Tuscaloosa anyways and I feel that life will be better here. There will be a possibility to start fresh and be successful here and that makes me smile looking into 2015.

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